
Thursday, July 14, 2016

How To Cook A Pigeon. Pigeon Breasts.

From YouTube: " Pan Fried Pigeon Breasts,Mushrooms and a Brandy and Red Currant Sauce.First i show how to breast out the pigeon,then we pan fry the fillets,making a sauce fron the carcass,flamed with brandy then served with sautéd mushrooms,less than 30 minutes to make and oh so simple,many thanks."

How To Prepare Pigeon Game Butchery Master-class Pigeon 4 Ways..

Video from YouTube
How To Prepare Pigeon.Game Butchery Master-class..Pigeon 4 Ways..  
Note: these are European Wood Pigeons, a wild species hunted in Europe. They have considerably less meat that domestic Utility Pigeons bred for squabbing purposes, hence the fella preparing them merely breasts out several of the birds. Utility breeds of Domestic Pigeons such Kings, Texas Pioneers, Hubbels, Swiss Mondaines and others have enough meat on the carcass that merely breasting them out would be a wasteful thing.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pigeon Loft Plans and Fixtures

In the coming week, we'll be running some new articles on how to properly house Utility Pigeons for squab raising purposes.

While we've included some links to Amazon of some really great pre-fabricated poultry coops that we feel are very suitable for raising pigeons, we also realize that many of you would like to save some money and build your own pigeon loft to house your squabbers.

Quite recently, we reprinted a great historic book on the subject of pigeon loft design and construction that we feel will give people a lot of insight into building their own pigeon coops. It is by the great pigeon writer E.J.W. Dietz and is entitled Pigeon Loft Plans and Fixtures. Like the other books we publish, it is very affordable and can be ordered through

Many updates ...

Today, we completed many updates to this site.

Please check out our selection of books on squab raising and other books on pigeons which can be ordered from, the world's most trusted bookseller!

We've also added a great selection of pigeon supplies, as well as pigeon bands, including some of the most affordably priced personalized seamless bands we've seen anywhere! These too, are also available through

Amazon also offer some great pre-fabricated poultry coops that we feel are perfectly ideal for raising home grown squabs in your own backyard. There is a nice example below!

We are looking forward over the next few days in bringing you some more information on raising pigeons for squabs.

XX-Large Loft by Coops & Feathers
We feel this is very suitable to house 10 pair of Utility Pigeons
Get it from here

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Largest Pigeon Farm in the World

An interesting video on the famous Johnson Pigeon near Los Angelos. Prior to its destruction by a flood in 1914, it was the largest squab farm in the world.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

American Squab Culture: Raising Pigeons for Squabs

This special re-print edition of E.H. Eggleston's “American Squab Culture” from 1916 includes everything a person needs to know about how to raise pigeons for meat purposes. At over 200 pages, this book contains a mountain of practical information on how to raise your own steady supply of quality pigeon meat in your own backyard from only a very moderate investment. Included is everything the beginner needs to know about raising pigeons for squabs, including how to house them, how to set your own pigeon loft up, their feeding requirements, how to cure basic pigeon diseases, how to select breeders and how to process your own squabs. This treasure trove of information is lavishly illustrated with period photographs.

Monday, June 6, 2016

New Book Released! Raising Pigeons For Meat

We are really pleased to present this special re-print edition of E.H. Rice's “National Standard Squab Book” from 1915 includes everything a person needs to know about how to raise pigeons for meat purposes. At over 400 pages, this book contains a mountain of practical information on how to raise your own steady supply of quality pigeon meat in your own backyard from only a very moderate investment. Included is everything the beginner needs to know about raising pigeons for squabs, including how to house them, how to set your own pigeon loft up, their feeding requirements, how to cure basic pigeon diseases, how to select breeders and how to process your own squabs. Also included are hundreds of letters from turn of the century breeders who raised their own squabs for the kitchen table, as well as for market purposes, who shared their own practical experiences on how they raised their own meat pigeons, along with hundreds of economic shortcuts on low cost housing, feeders, watering systems and other tips. Also included are expert answers to common and uncommon questions on the subject. This treasure trove of information is lavishly illustrated with period photographs.

Get it on from the link below!

Just because it's a White King, doesn't mean it's a Utility King!

An old fashioned White Utility King
from the publisher's loft
As often happens with breeds of animals that are often originally bred for utility or sporting purposes, it doesn't take long until some breeders begin to change them with other goals in mind.

The White King pigeon breed was first developed in the United States for squabbing purposes back in the 1890's. According to most sources, the breed was developed by crossbreeding the Duchesse, which is a rare Italian Mondain breed with white plumage and feathered legs; the Racing Homer, the Maltese and the Giant Runt pigeon. The first White Kings were selected for their snow white plumage (hence yellow-white skin), large size, fast growth rate and their fast breeding rate. These attributes helped the breed to quickly establish itself as one of the most valuable breeds in the booming commercial squab industry, which prior to about 1920 had been largely dominated by Racing Homers which had been selected for plumper squabs opposed to their homing abilities

By the 1930's and 1940's, some pigeon fanciers began to select their White Kings with another purpose in mind and began to exhibit them in pigeon shows around the country. These fanciers sought a cobbier, harder feathered bird with a more erect posture. They crossbred their Kings with other breeds like White Schietti Modenas to attain their breeding goals.

In the meantime, following World War Two, the popularity of pigeons as food began to decline except among the wealthy classes, resulting in fewer numbers of White Kings being bred each year for their original purpose.

These days, it is sometimes to difficult to find good squabbing bloodlines of White Kings and other Utility Pigeon breeds. Most of the White Kings you see available in newspaper ads, on Craigslist or on online pigeon auction sites are Show Kings or Show King crosses.

Before investing your hard earned money into breeding stock, it is recommended that you learn as much about real Utility Pigeon Breeds by studying them in books on the subject and getting to know a breeder who actually keeps his birds with meat production in mind. A little bit of study and shopping around for the right birds will save you money and time in the long run.

Show King Pigeons from

Welcome to How To Raise Pigeons For Meat

Welcome to How To Raise Squabs, your source for information on how to raise pigeons for meat!

Please  be sure to take a look at all our books on Self Reliance and Animal Breeding over at

Texas Pioneer cock in squab loft of the Publisher