
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pigeon Loft Plans and Fixtures

In the coming week, we'll be running some new articles on how to properly house Utility Pigeons for squab raising purposes.

While we've included some links to Amazon of some really great pre-fabricated poultry coops that we feel are very suitable for raising pigeons, we also realize that many of you would like to save some money and build your own pigeon loft to house your squabbers.

Quite recently, we reprinted a great historic book on the subject of pigeon loft design and construction that we feel will give people a lot of insight into building their own pigeon coops. It is by the great pigeon writer E.J.W. Dietz and is entitled Pigeon Loft Plans and Fixtures. Like the other books we publish, it is very affordable and can be ordered through

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